How Coaching Can Change Your Life

Hi there, and thanks so much for visiting my site! I’m Leesha, a career and executive coach who helps people like you achieve happiness and success by aligning their work to the best of themselves. My specialty is helping professionals design their careers and lives with purpose as they navigate career decisions, challenges, and transitions.

I am passionate about helping people figure out what is most important to them in their work and their life. I love helping others identify their talents, gifts, and strengths and discover how they can best use these in their work. This self-awareness brings clarity and purpose, which helps people achieve success, authenticity, and happiness as they share their unique gifts with the world. I believe that if we were all doing the work we were meant to be doing, the world would be a better, healthier, and happier place.

Why should I be your coach?

I’ve always been fascinated by people and their life stories, and I have a talent for seeing the best in people. Throughout my career, colleagues sought me out to ask my advice. Whether my peers, direct reports, or managers, they seemed to sense that I would be happy to listen. And I was. I am.

In my career, I’ve met people from many different backgrounds, including business executives, academics, engineers, and people struggling with life-threatening medical conditions. During this journey, I have learned a tremendous amount. These lessons were about people and their motivations, about work, and about life.

Following two transformational experiences in my own life – the death of my beloved grandmother and the birth of my son – I began to question everything in my life, including my career. It led me to years of exploration and soul-searching. I was determined to figure out what was missing, why I wasn’t happy, and what I was meant to be doing. Eventually, I took a leap of faith, left my corporate job, and went back to school to earn a master’s degree in coaching psychology.

I decided that I wanted to help people dealing with challenges similar to what I faced – especially in terms of figuring out how to be happier and more successful in their work and life. I want to use my hard-learned lessons to help other people navigate the process more efficiently and less painfully.

My work as a coach makes me so happy because it allows me to use my talents and skills to do what I love best – helping people unlock their full potential! They are then able to work and live on their own terms – with purpose and passion, while being the best and most authentic version of themselves. I believe we all have unique gifts and talents and that by tapping into them, we can not only improve our own lives, but make the world a better place in the process! 

I love to work with people who refuse to accept the status quo. Who know that they have more potential and more to offer. Who are looking for more from their work and their life. Getting by won’t do, they want their work to have purpose and meaning.

Does this sound like you? If so, then please reach out.

About Me

I hold an MSc in Coaching Psychology with Distinction from the University of East London, where I focused my master’s research and dissertation on career changers. I am myself a career changer, having worked for more than twelve years in marketing communications before becoming a coach. My experience spans various industries including medical/healthcare, academia, non-profit, and high-tech corporate. I have worked closely with employees at all levels of an organization, from individual contributors, to line managers, to top executives – including the organization president.

Having lived and worked in the USA, Germany, and Switzerland, I have personal experience with intercultural topics. Born and raised in the USA, I now live in Basel, Switzerland, with my husband Alex and our two children Dylan and Sophia. I love traveling; experiencing different cultures; enjoying food, reading, and writing; and trying my hand at various creative projects.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by people – their stories, experiences, challenges, hopes, and dreams. I am continually amazed by the beauty and resilience of the human spirit and our ability to grow, learn, and give as we live our lives.

Working together

To book a free discovery session to discuss your goals and how I can best support you, please click here.

If you have questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact me directly.

To download my free guide on achieving greater happiness in your current job while moving toward the career of your dreams, please click here.

To learn more about my coaching programs, please visit my Coaching Program page

Get in touch


Phone/Whatsapp: +41 (0)77 520 6244